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my lovely post

30 Sep

I made a lovely post on wordpress and everybodyloved it. I’m off now. bye.

astral journeying

9 Jun

I’ve been feeling really drained recently, so I think I’m going to make some music to aid with astral journeying. It been a while since I made anything like this so the process could be a slow one. I think the last time I played with anything like this was when I was a teenager and I used to hypnotize my friends. I once found out that my mate Dave was a Chinese bloke who died beside a fountain. How the hell he ended up on Ballymena in his next life??? the mind boggles.

Astral projection

9 Jan

Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to try out some astral projection. Normally when I try projection I aim to go somewhere I know, but this time I decided that I wanted to simply try to project onto the astral realm to meet with beings who were from there.

I used a deep relaxation self-hypnosis technique to get me into a suitable enough conscious state to try to project. Years ago when I first started to experiment with Astral projection, i used to always stumble with the idea of getting out of my body. Now I think about things in a very different way and its much easier. Now I don’t think about getting out of the body at all, I think about moving my consciousness around within the larger fabric of reality, of which I am a constituent part. The rationale is something like this:  I am not in the universe, I am ‘of’ it. As such the same stuff that makes me up makes up stuff elsewhere, in fact everything is all the same stuff, its just my consciousness is located in a specific place within the fabric of reality.  When I want to project what I do is plug into this way of understanding the world. Therefore projecting is not so much about moving, it’s more about becoming conscious elsewhere.  It’s a bit like how electricity will travel through water. By this I mean that the source of the spark may be located in one place, but the electricity will flow everywhere.

International remote viewing experiment

10 Jan

Earlier this week I had a specially designed box somewhere in Belfast. Inside the box was a very particular object. Today I posted a series of letters to people all over the world inviting them to use psychic abilities to discern as of the following information about the box as they can:
1. Its location
2. It’s contents
3. What it looks like

The letters were sent to the following people:
1. Al ‘Blaster’ Akerman (USA)
2. Olchar Lindsman (USA)
3. Jubal and Matt Brown (Canada)
4. Vittore Baroni (Italy)
5. Vassya Vassileva (Bulgaria)
6. Artpool (Hungary)
7. clement Padin (Urugay)
8. dr Marcelo Lima (UAE)
9. Loyd Dunn (Czech Republic)
10. Martin Zet (Czech Republic)
11. Georg Ladanyi (Germany)
12. Boris Nieslony (Germany)
13. Derek Holzer (Germany)
14. Roddy and Judit Hunter (England)
15. Hugh O’Donnell (Northern Ireland)
16. Peter Richards (Northern Ireland)
17. Andre Stitt (Wales)
18. Stewart Home (England)
19. The Man from Icon (England)
20. Sinead Bhreathnach-Cashell (Northern Ireland)
21. Jane Horton (England)

Now I’m gonna sit back and see what happens. It should be interesting to say the least.

Remote Viewing: Writers Square

12 Oct

I used to have a bit of a knack for this when I was a teenager, but I hadn’t tried it for along time before last night. My aim was simple I wanted to project myself into Writers square outside St Ann’s cathedral in town. My main reason for choosing this location was because it is visually simplistic and therefore not too hard to visualise. The technique I use for remote viewing is something I developed over a period of time when I was in my teens. It goes like this:
The first stage is to make yourself comfortable, empty your bowels etc. Then find somewhere quiet to lie down. Next, put yourself in a trance. There are many ways of doing this depending on how deep a trance you require.
A very quick way of doing this for a mild trance is tense every muscle in your body and hold your breath. Count to 60 in your head and totally relax while exhaling all the air in your lungs. A much longer process that results in a much deeper trance is focusing your concentration upon the area around your eyes. Feel this as a warm sensation and then feel every muscle around this area relax. Then move this warm sensation around your body relaxing small areas at a time. This is a long process but results in a deep trance.
Once in a trance visualise the place you wish to project yourself. If you have never been there it is helpful to look at a map before entering a trance so as to get a good idea of the layout of where it is you intend to go. If you have been there before then imagine yourself in a specific position within the environment. Imagine how the environment looks, not from above but from your own eyes as if you were standing there. Fix your gaze on a particular object within the environment and let the background information slowly settle into view.
As you reach a settled fixed view start to imagine the feeling of the wind on your face in the environment and the temperature of the place. Is easiest to develop this feeling by starting with the face and then moving to the hand and then the rest of the body. While doing this keep your gazed fixed on the original view you began with.
When you get the sensation of the physicality of the environment. The next thing to do is to try to feel the weight of your body in the environment. Although you are not physically in the place, if you want to move around in the environment then you need to be able to have a sense of a body you can move around in. I always concentrate on weight because I find it’s a helpful way of doing this. When you get a full sense of your weight in the place then you should be able to begin to release your gaze from the fixed point and begin to move around more freely in the environment.
Have a go yourself. I used it last night to see Writers square. I didn’t see anything very interesting, but it was an enjoyable experience. For all the cynics out there I just want to say I am as cynical as you are about these things. I don’t if what I am doing is really projecting me into other places or if I am simply bringing on a really lucid visualisation. Either way it doesn’t matter. It’s amazing what you can do with you mind if you simply take the time to do it.