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Money Magick pathworking

6 Jul

Given that I recently placed a sigil on the bank of England to aid money to come my way, I thought I’d begin to do some path working to help things along. It was to this end that I bough a Rabbit Riches Scratch card, when I went to buy some things for Breakfast in the local shop. Surprise Surprise, I won £2! This is promising start!

The Card that gave me £2

The Card that gave me £2

more on Ghosts in the post

9 Jun

As some of you may know, I sent a friend of mine a ghost in the post. I recently met him and we were talking about possible reasons why it mightn’t have worked. What anyone who reads this regularly will know is that I sent my friend two statues, one with a ghost, the other a placebo. It turns out that my friend had thought the placebo one was the ghost. But the even more weird thing is that my friend has been hearing weird noises coming from the room in which he placed the other statue (the one I actually put the  the ghost in). So it seems the experiment was not as much of a failure as I first thought!

Tarot readings

4 May

Recently I’ve been doing quite a bit of Tarot reading for friends. With this I’ve also been doing a lot of readings for myself. In the past month and a half all my readings have been pointing towards some kind of event in which I will have to resolve a tension between two aspects of my life. I’ve been wondering about what this is about. Then today I did a reading with the outcome card being the Tower. Needless to say that the whole reading was also pointing towards this need to resolve whatever this situation/condition is. It seems a sharp shock for me may be on the horizon. Lets hope its nothing too painful.

Yet more on making ghosts

1 May

I recently spoke with my friend that I sent the ghost in the post to. He told me that it didn’t seem to work. I was suprised by this, but then he told me that a priest had blessed the house about a week before the ghost had arrived. So I’m guessing this has done somethign to the energy I sent. I’m gonna have to make a new one and send it again. DAMN!

More on making ghosts

20 Mar

For the past few months I’ve been trying to work out how to put ghosts into objects. Perhaps in a similar way that stone’s are said to absorb and emit morphic resonance. After much trial and error, I think I finally managed to crack it. The object I put the ghost into is a statue I bought in a charity shop. It’s perhaps work saying that what I made isn’t so much a ghost in the sense of a spirit. Moreover, it’s a kind of psychic thought form programmed to do a number of simple things. Essentially, by my reckoning anway, a ghost is simply a psychic imprint in the time-space fabric. What I’ve done is make an imprint and attach it into the statue I chose.

To test of my ghost works I’ve posted it to a friend of mine. Along with the statue with the ghost in it I also sent another statue that has no vibrations attached to it. My friend will then place each statue in a different environment and we will see if the ghost works, by seeing which one he believes is the one I have put the ghost in. Magick!

Develop psychic powers exercise

28 Feb

A friend who is a practising psychic was visiting the other day from America. She shared with me an exercise for developing psychic powers. I thought I share it here in case anyone was interested. To do this psychic training exercise you will need a partner. Lets call the people involved A and B.

A thinks of a question in their head. They DO NOT share this question with B.
B relaxes and begins to describe images sensations etc that are emerging in their mind. It is really important that B does not dismiss any information that appears in their mind, even if they think it is absurd, silly or completely out of context. It is also important that B is entirely truthful and does not try to force themselves to have some kind of profound insight. the best results come with honesty.
A considers the information given by B in relation to their question.
A shares the question with B and they both discuss the information together.

Try it out and let me know what you think. I had a great time getting some suprising results with this one.If you’ve got any exercises of your own please share them!


1 Feb

Tomorrow is Imbolc. I am quite excited about this as I am feeling very tired from the winter. Tomorrow I shall be watching for Omens, celebrating the hearth and home and hoping it’s a pisser of a day with regard the weather. You know the old saying that if the weather is bad then the Cailleach is asleep and therefore the Winter is almost over. But if the weather is good then she has made it so, as she is out gathering firewood to last her out the rest of it. So Lets hope for Rain Tomorrow!

Some people don’t celebrate Imbolc till they feel the first turn of spring, or else the first new moon, which is this coming weekend, but given it has to do with the coming of spring and the summer, I am following the solar calender on this one.

Sigil working

12 Jan

After my last post I have spent some time thinking. I decided that I will go ahead with the work at hand. The best way to approach this work, for me, was to create a series of sigils. I then mapped these sigils onto the specific area of Belfast where I felt they needed to be cast. I did this because I wanted to clearly visualise them in my head, as they make up nodes in one larger sigil that I am casting over all parties concerned. I then went to each physical location and cast each sigil. I drew each sigil in each location in chalk, and when the rain washes them away they will be activated.

In saying all of this I want to make quite clear, because I haven’t stated it in a while, that my experiments with Magick are purely that: experiments. I don’t believe in magick. Rather, Like a lapsed catholic, I continue to practice regardless of belief!

Lets see how it develops…

Astral projection

9 Jan

Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to try out some astral projection. Normally when I try projection I aim to go somewhere I know, but this time I decided that I wanted to simply try to project onto the astral realm to meet with beings who were from there.

I used a deep relaxation self-hypnosis technique to get me into a suitable enough conscious state to try to project. Years ago when I first started to experiment with Astral projection, i used to always stumble with the idea of getting out of my body. Now I think about things in a very different way and its much easier. Now I don’t think about getting out of the body at all, I think about moving my consciousness around within the larger fabric of reality, of which I am a constituent part. The rationale is something like this:  I am not in the universe, I am ‘of’ it. As such the same stuff that makes me up makes up stuff elsewhere, in fact everything is all the same stuff, its just my consciousness is located in a specific place within the fabric of reality.  When I want to project what I do is plug into this way of understanding the world. Therefore projecting is not so much about moving, it’s more about becoming conscious elsewhere.  It’s a bit like how electricity will travel through water. By this I mean that the source of the spark may be located in one place, but the electricity will flow everywhere.

When is a curse not a curse?

9 Jan

A few days ago I was speaking with a friend of mine who informed me of somethings I found really shocking. I can’t go into deep detail on the web, but the situation boils down to some people being involved in some pretty malicious behaviour towards a member of my family.

I know where this maliciousness stems from and I know that its unwarrented. Not only this, but where it stems from is an event that happened over 4 years ago, and my family member was scapegoated for some things that weren’t there fault. Being a good sort, they decided to just let the whole thing blow over. Yet it seems that it didn’t and now it’s doing their career serious damage and they don’t even know it’s going on, least not yet.

I want to get these bastards back for what they’re doing, enough is enough. I wanna curse them. But then I was thinking, is it a curse if all I do is redirect their bad energy back towards them? In this way all I’m doing is redirecting the bad energy they’re putting out to my family member back towards them. Would this be a curse and would I reap the bad luck for doing it? OR, because no other means is open to me and I’m only acting out of a sense of fairness, would I avoid the bad luck? Is what I’m proposing doing actually a curse? Hexing the bank taught me not to take doing this kind of thing lightly.

Opinions welcome.